My services.


Lecturing and Curriculum Design


Are you looking for someone to develop an inclusive, creative music history curriculum for your university or organization?


Do you need someone to step in to teach a course or a single lecture?

  • I am an experienced educator who successfully lectures and develops content for universities and arts organizations alike.

  • I have training in trauma-informed teaching and decolonizing the curriculum

Research and Writing


Are you looking for someone to complete detailed, in-depth research on a musical, literary, or historical subject?


Could your audience use explanatory notes to enhance their experience at your performance?


Are you writing something that could use a seasoned eye for developmental or copy editing?

  • I am an experienced researcher, at home on the web and in dusty archives. I have done research for opera companies and even for a documentary film.

  • My writing has been published in scholarly journals, blogs, educational websites, and magazines.

  • I have copy edited publications for universities, individual scholars, and arts organizations.

Dramaturgy and Translation


Are you producing an opera and unsure about how to present it to a modern audience?


Are you looking for a translation that will help your audience not only understand the text being performed but also connect to it and engage with it?

  • My research is about presenting operas to new audiences through translation and adaptation.

  • I have written singable English translations of operas as well as supertitle translations used for performance in New York and Boston.

  • I have experience running supertitles for fast-paced, professional performances of opera and theater.


My services.


Lecturing and Curriculum Design


Are you looking for someone to develop an inclusive, creative music history curriculum for your university or organization?


Do you need someone to step in to teach a course or a single lecture?

  • I am an experienced educator who successfully lectures and develops content for universities and arts organizations alike.

  • I have training in trauma-informed teaching and decolonizing the curriculum

Research and Writing


Are you looking for someone to complete detailed, in-depth research on a musical, literary, or historical subject?


Could your audience use explanatory notes to enhance their experience at your performance?


Are you writing something that could use a seasoned eye for developmental or copy editing?

  • I am an experienced researcher, at home on the web and in dusty archives. I have done research for opera companies and even for a documentary film.

  • My writing has been published in scholarly journals, blogs, educational websites, and magazines.

  • I have copy edited publications for universities, individual scholars, and arts organizations.

Dramaturgy and Translation


Are you producing an opera and unsure about how to present it to a modern audience?


Are you looking for a translation that will help your audience not only understand the text being performed but also connect to it and engage with it?

  • My research is about presenting operas to new audiences through translation and adaptation.

  • I have written singable English translations of operas as well as supertitle translations used for performance in New York and Boston.

  • I have experience running supertitles for fast-paced, professional performances of opera and theater.