Public Musicology
Opera Breakdowns Videos for Opera Philadelphia’s repertoire since 2021
Listening Guides for Opera Philadelphia’s Student Newsletters
Essays for Opera Philadelphia’s Sounds of Learning Program
"The Listeners Roundtable: Artists and Creative Team” (Missy Mazzoli, Royce Vavrek, Lileana Blain-Cruz, and Nicole Heaston; moderated by Dr. Lily Kass)
“Reimagining Opera’s Heroines for the Modern Age” (Dr. Naomi André, Aria Umezawa, and Karen Slack; moderated by Dr. Lily Kass)
Program Notes
Massive Open Online Course
K-12 Worksheets
Meet the Scholar in Residence (with Opera Philadelphia’s Vice President of Community Initiatives, Veronica Chapman-Smith)
“Generation NOW: Opera Translation and Audience Engagement” (Opera NextGen)
Book Reviews
Heidi Waleson’s Mad Scenes and Exit Arias: The Death of the New York City Opera and the Future of Opera in America for Gotham Center Blog for Scholars of New York History
Sterling Lambert’s Re-Reading Poetry: Schubert’s Multiple Settings of Goethe for Opera News
Scholarly Publications
Penitence, External and Internal Sound at the Eastern State Penitentiary: 1830-1850
Italian Ornamentation of British Patriotic Songs: Brigida Giorgi Banti at the King’s Theatre, Chapter 10 in Politics and Culture in 18th-Century Anglo-Italian Encounters: Entangled Histories